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Birdlip Primary

Thursday May 23rd 2024

Dear Diary,

The pupils and staff at Birdlip Primary were fantastic… and somehow managed to squeeze all of KS2 into one classroom this morning. I loved hearing their sniggers and giggles whilst I was reading aloud, as it let me know they were enjoying my story. And I’m thrilled so many of them now want to read the rest of the book! Having done so many whole-day school visits recently, I found today’s visit was over far too soon, though! Next year, perhaps I’ll be able to spend more time there and put on some of my activities throughout the day. The pupils’ suggestions of what selfless things they’d do if they had magical powers really warmed my heart. I sincerely hope they do find magic at their fingertips one day, and manage to put an end to world hunger and plastic pollution (whilst resisting the urge to evaporate their sisters, of course)! And it seems their teachers are a huge hit with all the pupils because the children wouldn’t use magic to do ANYTHING naughty to them… I’m impressed!!! I still can’t believe I managed to sell books… without any books again! I simply never seem to have enough stock at the moment, no matter how many copies I order from my publisher. But when I arrived home, there were boxes of stock waiting for me! So, I’ll be revisting Birdlip to deliver their orders soon, and my stock levels are now fully replenished for future visits. I’m going to really miss spending time at schools next week. But rather than a rest, I’ll just be having a change – as I’m going to be visiting various local Waterstones during half term, and putting on events. I can’t wait!




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